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Recollections of Rosings Page 5
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Rebecca was relieved. "If that is all that has been troubling you, why it is nothing at all. Cathy dear, we shall have these accounts settled within the week."
After protesting at first that she could not accept, Catherine was persuaded that it was by far the best way out of her difficulties. She expressed her gratitude, promising to repay every penny, if it took her ten years to do so.
"I shall only accept if it is regarded as a loan," she insisted. "I do have some
money of my own—Lady Catherine was very generous to me both when I was married and in her will—but much of it is invested in bonds. As soon as I am able, I shall start to repay you; dear Becky, it is not that I am not grateful, I do appreciate your kindness, but I will not take your money outright. Furthermore, you must promise me that this will remain forever our secret; no one must ever know."
Rebecca agreed readily and over the next few days all of the outstanding accounts were settled, to the great relief of her sister, and her creditors, no doubt.
During this period, the matter of Lilian's romance slipped into the background, as the plans for their removal to the Dower House came to fruition. Dr Harrison was, at Mr Benson's suggestion, first transported in a carriage to rooms in the East Wing of Rosings, where he was spared the bustle, dust, and noise of moving house. When everything was in place, he was conveyed to the Dower House, where the best suite of rooms had been prepared for him.
The house was both more elegant than and as comfortable as the parsonage had been, and Mr Benson had ensured that everything had been satisfactorily arranged, exactly as Mr Jonathan Bingley had specified.
Dr Harrison seemed content, though he did point out that his study was not quite as commodious here, and Catherine was pleased with both the house and the garden. Even Mrs Giles the housekeeper was delighted with the kitchen and servants' accommodation, which was far less Spartan than it had been at the parsonage.
As for Lilian, she wandered in and out of her pretty new room, her eyes shining with pleasure, unable to believe that what had begun as a piece of dire misfortune should have ended so agreeably.
Writing in her diary, she noted:
How very strange that what seemed at first a terrible tragedy for everyone, and especially for poor Papa, has resulted in such a satisfactory conclusion for us all. I do believe Papa means to enjoy his enforced retirement; he says he plans to read more and perhaps write as well—though I do not know if there will be anyone who will wish to publish his sermons.
For my part, I have no regrets at all—indeed, if I were to regard it in purely practical terms, I have a larger and more pleasing room, a prettier view of the grounds and, since the Dower House is situated within the boundaries of Rosings Park, it will be a shorter distance to travel, should someone wish to visit!
Even in the privacy of her own diary, she would not name who it was that might visit!
Chapter Three
The arrival at Rosings of two gentlemen from London was to keep Mr Adams so busy over the next few days that the family at the Dower House saw him but rarely.
Rebecca remarked upon it to Lilian and Catherine as they sat reading in the parlour.
"We have not seen Mr Adams in some days; his visitors must be very important persons," she said. "I was walking alongside the lane that goes down to the village this morning, and I thought I saw Mr Adams drive past in a curricle with another gentleman—a very tall, distinguished-looking man, much taller than Mr Adams; but they were gone so quickly I could not get more than a glimpse of him," she said, adding curiously, "I wonder who it could be."
Catherine could provide no answer to her question. She knew of no gentleman, tall or otherwise, who might be riding in a curricle with Mr Adams, she said. And if Lilian knew anything about it, she was keeping her own counsel, concentrating her attention wholly upon her book.
Rebecca persisted. "Has Mr Adams not mentioned his name to you in conversation, Lilian?"
Lilian, cognisant of her aunt's curiosity, replied quietly, "No, he has not, Aunt. Indeed I know only that two gentlemen were arriving to look over the Rosings estate and Mr Adams expected he would be very busy answering all their questions. That, I am afraid, Aunt Becky, is all I know of the matter," she concluded, before returning to her book.
Though unsatisfied, Rebecca could proceed no further along that track.
A day or two later, while taking a walk in the woods that surrounded the Rosings estate, she saw in the distance two people she thought she recognised. They were, she was almost certain, Mr Adams and Lilian, strolling together through the trees. She recognised him by his coat, which she had seen often when he visited the parsonage, and knew she could not be mistaken in his companion, for the lady was wearing the pretty new bonnet her niece had worn to church on Sunday.
They appeared to be deep in conversation, quite oblivious of her presence, and Rebecca thought it best to avoid meeting them face to face. Turning down another path, she made her way back to the house. Once there, she decided it was prudent not to tell her sister what she had seen, lest it should cause her to worry. She had no way of knowing if Catherine had any knowledge of her daughter's friendship with the gentleman and wished not to add to her sister's present concerns.
She did, however, write again to Emily Courtney, describing in some detail her recent observations.
My dear Emily,
Now we have moved from the parsonage to the Dower House, which is far more commodious and has much better accommodation for visitors, we are all a good deal more comfortable. We are also somewhat closer to Rosings—or what is left of it—and I have been better able to observe my niece Lilian and Mr Adams.
The gentleman has been rather busy of late with visitors from London, looking at ways to save some of the treasures of Rosings, I believe, but not so busy as to be unable to find time to walk in the woods with a certain young lady.
I do not know if you will agree with me on this, Emily, but I do think my dear sister is indulging young Lilian a little too far. It is not seemly that she should be walking in the woods with a young gentleman unless some firm understanding has been reached between them. Do you not agree?
She put the unfinished letter aside, expecting she would have more news to impart in a day or two, when Mr Adams, free of his interlocutors, would return to visiting them regularly as before.
It was on the Sunday following their removal to the Dower House that they were returning from church, with Rebecca, Lilian, and Catherine all engaged in animated conversation about the dramatic sermon preached by the visiting chaplain who had conducted the service at Hunsford.
Taking for his text the parable of the woman taken in adultery, he had railed against those who would cast the first stone, while their own lives were far from exemplary.
"I cannot think why he chose such a text," said Rebecca.
"I believe he means to astonish us all," said Lilian. "He must think the people of this parish need waking up."
Catherine agreed, "Well, he certainly did that. I saw at least two people who had dozed off start and sit bolt upright again!"
She did not add that it was quite likely many of them had been accustomed to taking a little sleep during Dr Harrison's sermons, long and erudite as they always were. Catherine was far too loyal to say that.
They had almost reached their gate when Mr Adams and another man appeared, coming towards them from the direction of Rosings.
"It's him!" whispered Rebecca quickly, "it's the tall man I saw in the curricle with Mr Adams last week."
The stranger was certainly tall and had a short, thick beard in the popular style affected by Mr Dickens, but it was the clean-shaven Mr Adams who came forward to greet them with a cheerful smile.
"Good morning, ladies, what a very fortuitous meeting this is; we were just coming to call on you. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Tate, and Miss Lilian Harrison, may I introduce Mr Frank Burnett, who is here to advise us on restoring and conserving what is left of the Rosings heritage."
sp; Rebecca noticed a degree of gallantry in the manner in which Mr Burnett greeted each of them in turn, claiming he was delighted to meet them. She decided, from observing his general demeanour and dress, that he must have spent some time in Europe, a fact that was soon attested to by Mr Adams, who explained to the ladies that Mr Burnett was a very experienced authority on antiquities, who'd spent many years of study in France and Italy. So interested was Rebecca in this information that she did not notice the look of absolute astonishment that crossed her sister's countenance as Mr Burnett greeted her and took her extended hand.
As they walked up the path, Lilian, assuming they would all come into the house, hurried ahead to alert Mrs Giles and order tea for the visitors, while Mr Adams chatted on to her aunt. As for Mr Burnett, apart from his first courteous greeting, he said little as he walked beside the ladies, hands clasped behind his back, appearing rather to observe and listen, while John Adams talked enthusiastically of the prodigious task that lay ahead.
Once within, Catherine excused herself and left them to hurry upstairs to Dr Harrison. The regular nurse did not come in on Sundays and Catherine was anxious to ensure he was comfortable. Finding him asleep, she returned to the parlour just as the tea was brought in. Grateful for something to do, she sat down to dispense it and as she was pouring out tea for Mr Adams, she heard him say to her sister, "I learned only yesterday that Mr Burnett had once, quite some years ago, been employed as the librarian at Rosings."
This extraordinary piece of information was met with incredulity, as both Lilian and Rebecca looked at one another and turned to Catherine.
"Did you hear that, Mama? Do you not remember Mr Burnett from when you used to live at Rosings?" asked Lilian. Catherine's face was instantly covered in a deep blush, and she looked distinctly ill at ease. Unable to answer immediately, Catherine appeared to suffer some embarrassment until the gentleman himself came to her rescue.
Coming over to pick up his cup of tea, he looked at her and then said, "It was so very long ago—some twenty years or more. I am not at all surprised that Mrs Harrison does not remember me."
"But do you recall her?" asked Rebecca.
Mr Burnett was unequivocal in his response. "I certainly do; she was then a very young lady—a Miss Collins, I believe, and what is more important, she was a great favourite of the late Lady Catherine de Bourgh, I think. Am I not right, Mrs Harrison?"
Catherine was completely confused; she felt awkward and silly, like some young ingénue who had made a faux pas and been caught out.
Grateful for his intervention, however, she gathered her thoughts together quickly and apologised.
"Mr Burnett! Yes, I do remember. I am sorry, I have been much distracted lately with the fire and Dr Harrison's illness, as well as the move from the parsonage at Hunsford to this house… I cannot have been thinking clearly and my memory failed me… I did not mean to be rude… I do apologise…" She was clearly ill at ease and mortified by her lapse.
He was very gracious indeed. "Please do not apologise, Mrs Harrison. I did not expect you to remember me at all—it has been so long and, while you are not changed a great deal, my friends who knew me then tell me I am quite unrecognisable!"
When the others laughed, Catherine smiled too, as if recalling how he had looked those many years ago; he had not sported a beard, she thought, as he continued, "When Mr Adams mentioned that you and Dr Harrison had lately moved to the Dower House and suggested that we call on you, I was not at all hopeful that you would remember me." He paused and said lightly, to the entire party, "Librarians are not the most memorable of people—the books and artifacts they preserve are often far more worthy of recollection."
At this, Catherine smiled, more easily this time, and Rebecca noted that Mr Burnett smiled with her; it was as if they had known one another quite well and were sharing a familiar memory after all those years.
When she spoke again, Catherine's voice was more natural. "Be that as it may, I am truly sorry that I did not recall you at first. But let me make amends by saying here and now, that when I lived at Rosings, I found the library to be one of the most magical places in the house and spent many happy and improving hours there. I owed that experience almost entirely to your encouragement and the generosity of Her Ladyship, of course. As to being a favourite with her, I was her goddaughter and she took her responsibilities in loco parentis very seriously. In permitting me to remain at Rosings, my mother had clearly accepted that."
This time it was his turn to bow and thank her for her kind words, adding that he had been exceedingly relieved to discover that the fire had not in any way damaged any part of the excellent collection of books and manuscripts in the Rosings library.
"I think we might all say Amen to that Mr Burnett," said Mr Adams and the ladies were in complete agreement, of course.
Before the two gentlemen departed, they were invited to dine on the following Sunday, which invitation was accepted with alacrity by both men. They claimed that they worked assiduously through the week because there was so much to do, but Sunday was different and the prospect of dining at the Dower House was too good to turn down.
Besides, said Mr Adams cheerfully, he was sure Mr Burnett would look forward to another opportunity to exchange with Mrs Harrison their mutual recollections of Rosings Park.
"I have heard so much about those days, when Her Ladyship held court at Rosings, I know you will have a great deal to talk about together."
He was hoping, no doubt, thought Becky, that in being so occupied, they would allow him to spend more time with Lilian. Catherine said nothing and while Mr Burnett smiled and nodded as if in agreement with his young friend, he made no comment.
Becky did notice that he kissed the hands of all the ladies as he took his leave. Very charming indeed, she thought, very European.
That night, Rebecca continued her letter to Emily Courtney, detailing for her friend this most extraordinary encounter:
Thereafter, more tea and shortbread arrived and soon they were talking so amiably together that it seemed as though they were old friends. Indeed, we now discover that Mr Frank Burnett was Lady Catherine's archivist and librarian for some years before leaving to pursue further studies in Europe.
During that time, my father had passed away and Mama had left Hunsford, taking Amelia-Jane and me with her, while Cathy had accepted Lady Catherine's invitation to live at Rosings.
It was all the information she had been able to glean from the brief conversation she had had with her sister after the gentlemen had left. She had not been able to understand how it was that Catherine had so completely forgotten Mr Burnett and yet was able to recall in a moment his fine work in the library at Rosings those many years ago.
It was a puzzle; one Becky was determined to solve.
That night, Catherine slept but little.
Not only was Dr Harrison restless, his condition causing her some concern, but lying on the narrow day-bed in his room was not conducive to restful sleep. Awake, with her mind in some turmoil, she could not begin to concentrate her thoughts upon the here and now alone. Inevitably, after the morning's encounter, they kept returning to the time some twenty-odd years ago when she had first made the acquaintance of Mr Frank Burnett.
She had not been entirely honest in claiming that her memory had failed her and she had no recollection at all of him when they had been introduced that morning. Catherine had not immediately recognised the tall stranger with a well-trimmed beard and thick, greying hair as the man she had known at Rosings those many years ago, yet the moment she had heard the name she had known who he was. At first, she had thought he had not appeared keen to renew the acquaintance and in her response, had sought to accommodate what she assumed were his wishes. When, however, Mr Adams had revealed his knowledge of Mr Burnett's past employment in the library, it had become clear that he had not intended to conceal his past association with Rosings at all.
Catherine's own knowledge of Frank Burnett ha
d begun when, after the sudden death of her father, Reverend Collins, Lady Catherine had invited her first to spend Christmas at Rosings and afterwards to accept a position as companion to her daughter, Miss Anne de Bourgh.
Encouraged by her mother, she had accepted both invitations and had thus been drawn into the circle of Her Ladyship's household. It had not been an unpleasant or uncomfortable circle; indeed, it had often been for her a most beneficial one, for Lady Catherine could be both generous and kind to those she regarded with particular interest and from whom she expected and received respect and due deference. There had been however an ever-present sense of obligation, which had from time to time proved irksome and occasionally downright disagreeable.